Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Chapter 4 - Indonesian

Ch. 4: Sekretaris Oh yang Payah (2)

Sesuatu terjadi pagi ini.
[Mari kita mulai dengan ini. Kenapa, baru-baru ini tidak banyak mahasiswa hukum magang di perusahaan hukum? Jika saya hanya berpikir bahwa Oh-Yoon-seo adalah bagian dari tren ini saya akan merasa nyaman! Mahasiswa hukum .....
Dia mungkin tahu terminologi hukum yang sederhana, bukan?

Chapter 3 - Indonesian

Ch. 3: Sekretaris Oh yang Payah (1)
 "Apakah kamu masih tidak mengerti?"
Dua bulan lalu, setelah Sekretaris Hwang melahirkan dan mengambil cuti, kantor sekretaris Jung-rok kosong sepanjang waktu.
Tidak adanya Sekretaris Hwang, yang telah bekerja dengan Always Law Firm sejak awal pendiriannya, berarti pekerjaan ganda untuk Jung-rok.

Thursday, April 18, 2019


Hopeless Secretary Oh (3)


Jin-shim examined women’s toilet and stood in front of the mirror. She screamed loudly once she learned that there weren’t other people there. 

‘Seriously, what’s wrong with that person?!’

She had screamed loudly but her anger didn’t just disappear. She panted and staring at her face in the mirror, it looked distorted.


Chapter 4 : The Hopeless Secretary Oh(2)

Something happened this morning.
[ Let's go easy on this. How come, recently aren't there many law students doing an internship in law companies? If I just think that Oh-Yoon-seo is part of this trend I would feel at ease! Law student…..
She probably knows simple legal terminologies, right?

Friday, April 12, 2019


Ch. 3: Hopeless Secretary Oh (1)

            "Do you still not understand?"
            Two months ago, after Secretary Hwang gave birth and took paternity leave, the office for Jung-rok's secretary had been empty all the time.
            The absence of Secretary Hwang, who has been working with Always Law Firm since the beginning of its establishment, meant double work for Jung-rok.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Chapter 2 - Indonesian

Prolog (2)

Oh Jin-shim.

Pada tingkat ini, mengetahui siapa gadis itu diperlukan.

Siapa gadis itu?

"Dia adalah seorang Dewi! Dia adalah Dewi terbaik Korea dari agensi Venus kami!"

Hyuk-joon yang sudah lama bekerja dengan gadis itu berteriak. Dan kata-kata itu tidak salah.


Prologue (2)

        Oh Jin-shim.
            At this rate, knowing who that girl is was necessary.
            Who was that girl?
            “She is a Goddess! She’s Korean best Goddess from our Venus agency!”
            Hyuk-joon who had worked for a long time with that girl cried out. And those words weren’t wrong.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Chapter 1 - Indonesian


27 adalah usia yang prima, saat itu musim dingin.
“Nona Oh Yoon-seo! Apa yang sudah terjadi? Tolong jelaskan tentang insiden itu!"
Saat itu, ketika salju turun, ribuan wartawan mengelilingi rumahnya seperti ada konferensi pers drama. Lampu kamera menyala, dan para reporter itu berteriak pada gadis yang baru saja keluar dengan elegan dari rumah.
Gadis yang belum pernah di gosipkan ini bahkan sekali selama hampir 10 tahun sejak debutnya pun terkejut.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


Prologue (1)

            27 was the prime age, it was winter back then.
            “Miss Oh Yoon-seo! What had happened? Please explain about the incident!”
         That time, when snow fall, thousands reporters were surrounding her house like there was a drama press conference. Camera lights were flashing, and those reporters were screaming at the girl who just came out elegantly from the house.
            That girl who had never been gossiped even once for almost 10 years since her debut was shocked.

Chapter 7

Hopeless Secretary Oh (5) “Sorry for asking you this kind of favour. I was about to reject it, but then Senior Mi-jin looks like i...